I bought some books a few weeks ago but haven't read them. I really wanted them but when they came I was more than a little intimidated and just a little not interested in that much work. Just being honest here!
I knew I needed to read them, though. Not just for me but for the family and for our school.
I need some encouragement.
It has been a few years since I have hit the January/February "I can't homeschool anymore let's sign them up for school" wall. A large reason for not hitting that wall has been Tapestry of Grace. It has transformed our school and the way we do it. We have also found other curriculum that works and the kids love. It all lends to not having burn out.
But this year has been different. For one we have a toddler in the house again! What an amazing ride that has been. We love it and wouldn't change it for the world but I don't think we were quite as prepared as we thought we were. lol For normal everyday life, yes; but for the impact on school, nope. It took a while to figure it out but I think we have finally done it. Most days anyway!
But because of that adjustment we have fallen woefully behind on our Tapestry studies. So much so in fact, we are not going to do justice to the Year Plan. On one hand that makes me sad and feeling terribly inadequate but on the other I can see that it is minor in comparison to being in Bug's life. So many life lessons are being learned and played out by loving this little girl that it out shadows book learning right now.
I am learning to be ok with that. But we may have to have one of those intensive summer sessions so that we can at least skim the time period in preparation for next year.
How could we say no to that face? God has blessed us so much with Bug. She is a joy and a treasure.
And so stinkin' busy all the time!! roflol
School is getting done for the most part. We are pushing through and gettin' our groove. The girls are learning more and more independence and I am learning to trust them in that independence. It's all good!

Oh yeah, the books! I almost forgot. lol The two books I ordered are The
Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling and
The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Teens both by Debra Bell. You could say that I'm a bit of a stalker now but I might deny it and clear the history on my computer so you couldn't see all the ways I have googled her, her books, and her planners. But I wouldn't admit it anytime soon!

Anyway, I ordered the books in hopes of reviving the fire for our school and getting some encouragement.
I am only a little ways into both of them and I am so pleased with what I've read so far. Some of it has resonated so deeply that tears gushed from my eyes. I'm not kidding. I have needed to hear these things for a while now but didn't see it for what it was.
Bleh, even the word leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. But there it is.
Homeschool moms are in jeopardy of burn-out because we do so much for our families. The job of mom never ends and then you add teacher to your own kids on top of that and the 24/7 just became 24/7(2). It just never ends. And that's okay. Most of the time. But we can all use some encouragement and ideas to make it work better.
That's what I am hoping to gain from these books. I have already been given some insight into our daughters learning styles and ways to help them learn without frustrating them so much. That alone is worth the price of the books. ;-)
So, in the next few weeks I will write a more in-depth review and let you know all about them. For now...I need to go read some more!