I asked if it happened at BSF, another nod.
My stomach is starting to knot at this point.
She tries talking again but it is incoherent. I am really getting worried. She is obviously very upset about something.
I calm her down and tell her to try again.
She takes a deep breath and proceeds to tell me this:
"I'm so sorry, Mommy. I want to tell you but I didn't want you to be mad at me."
um, okay...
"When I go to the bathroom, I don't wash my hands."
heavy sigh from the parental unit
me-"You mean when Daddy and I ask you if you washed your hands and you say that you did, you really haven't been?"
more serious sobbing form the 5yo
"Yes, and I'm so sorry."
me-"Did you talk about sin tonight in BSF?"
"Yes" said with a prolonged eeeeee due to sobbing
We went up to talk to Daddy so she could confess to him as well. It was a very sad and sweet sight. We prayed with her and helped her to talk to Jesus about it.
What a bittersweet moment it was to usher our dd into the knowledge that she is a sinful being. But, what a wonderful moment to introduce her to a loving and forgiving savior.
What a tender heart. May she always hear the Holy Spirit so clearly and may she always obey His leading.
How wonderful! Praying she continues with that honesty for always.
Soooo sweet! :) Don't you love that lesson and being able to show your dd the same grace and forgiveness that Jesus shows her.
Tears. That is just beautiful. Thank You Lord for Your sweet wispers!
How precious, Renita. Oh, that we all were so penitent and sad over our sinful natures.
God bless her.
Awww, how sweet.
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