It's Friday, again! Funny how that keeps happening. I have never been one to look forward to Friday as the start of the weekend or the whole TGIF thing. Sometimes I feel that way, but usually it's just another day.
However, I am loving Friday these days. Why you ask? Because of Friday's Fave Five. It is making me focus on my blessings and really making me take notice of the little things that matter so much but so often get over looked.
So, here is my list for this week.
1. The YMCA and friends. We have been blessed with wonderful friends. Online and in real life. It is such a joy to be able to meet up with these friends and go swimming. To be able to go and visit with the moms and watch our kids play and interact with each other is a treasure. Plus the Vit. D is amazing!!
2. Second Chances. For all of us. I see it mirrored in my children every day and I hear God whispering it to my heart, "Forgive as I have forgiven you." Praise God that He gives us another chance to do the right thing. His mercies are new every morning. Thankfully he reminds me of this as I deal with my children; may I have ears to hear it and a heart to apply it.
3. Cousin's Camp. Each year my mil has Cousin's Camp for all the girl cousin's-7 in all so far!-and takes them for four days. They go and swim, play, get to know each other better and most importantly have Bible Study. Each year has a different theme that the week centers around. They come home with a deeper understanding of the theme and of God's love for them.
4. Rest. While the kids have been at Cousin's Camp, I had a HUGE To-Do list that just had to get done. Guess what? God had other ideas! lol I have been able to get some of the list done, but more importantly I have been able to sit and have time with God and His Word. The peace and clarity of thought that comes along with spending time in The Word far outweigh anything I could have accomplished on my own this week.
5. The girls come home tonight! Woohoo!! I am so looking forward to seeing them tonight that I can hardly stand it. I truly love having my girls home with me and am going into withdrawals from not getting my first morning hugs all week!
Want to read some more Friday's Fave Five lists? Head on over to Susanne's to find more. Better yet, add your own!
Mom community is the best, isn't it? We really DO need each other.
Loved your "forgive" reminder. How great, that, as a mom, you remember to pass His grace along to your kids.
I love the idea of Cousin Camp! Have a great weekend.
I am so thankful His mercies are new every morning. Thanks for reminding me of that scripture.
Cousin Camp is an awesome idea! I hope I could do that someday when I have grandbabies ...
Your mom must have lots of energy!
Cousin Camp.... a wonderful idea! I love it. What a creative, special Gramma your kids have!
Glad you were able to take some 'down time' for yourself while your girls were gone.
Loving that you had time with the Lord when you least expected it. :)
Hope you have a fantastic weekend!
I loved #4! Thank you for that reminder that my to do list is better accomplished when I've first spent time with the Lord and made Him my priority!
I loved #4 as well. Us moms don't get enough rest and when we do we feel guilty. Hard to quiet the mind. I agree with #2 as well,
If it involves rest or relax these days I'm loving it, glad you got some.
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