Tonight I went to the first workshop the Teaching Parents Association offers for the convention weekend. It is for first time homeschoolers. Now, that could be families that are homeschooling for the first time or it's just their first time to a convention. It is a night just for them.
I have to say that if you are a first time homeschooler you want to go to this workshop. It was great. Each attender was handed a packet of information before the session started. This is a must-have packet. There is some fantastic information in there-I wish I would have had it when we were just starting out.
The packet included: Convention Schedule, Parking and Restaurant Guide(very important!!), Intro Letter, Laws about homeschooling in our state, Requirements for homeschooling, Sample Letters of Withdrawal and Request for Records, Definition of Homeschool Terms(neat idea), How to Get Started page, Helpful Websites, Homeschool Discounts and Resources, Support Group List, and a practical guide to attending a convention.
Whew! That's a lot of information in a little package. Right? It is good stuff to read but they didn't stop there. They went through each section explaining and elaborating what the group needed. The presenters were honest and down to earth.
"We are laying down a foundation for the rest of their lives." This is a phrase that stuck out to me. Training and mentoring our children is so important and homeschooling lends itself to that very well. Each person that spoke stressed this point and just how important it was to commit yourself to the Lord everyday and bathe your family and homeschool in prayer.
Even though I have homeschooled for 9 years, there were several things I learned tonight. Several more I wished I had been told early on. This workshop was full of practical and sound advice for the new homeschoolers.
I highly recommend attending this workshop for new homeschoolers. It will help allay fears and give you courage to forge ahead.
If you haven't registered yet, you still can! Head over to the TPA website and get it done. This year there are 109 Vendors in the Vendor Hall. That's a whole lot of shopping!!
Don't forget to support your local homeschool convention!