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Thursday, November 10, 2011

More Money? Really?

Between Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday there will be two dental appointments and one orthodontist appointment.  Can you say ka-ching?  The ortho appt. was to fix a retainer and the dental appts were for one cleaning and two cavaties-different children.  Two more dental appts scheduled.


I am such a bad mom that I don't schedule cleanings regularly.  I forget.  I really do.  I know I shouldn't but it is just not on my regular radar and then it gets pushed aside with everything else that is going on. 

Bad mommy.

My head is hanging in shame...

Two of the four eligible kids have now had cleanings with another one in a week and then I will only have one more to schedule in.  I am going to try and do better in the coming year.    Really. 

On another front we were told that our oldest was a candidate for braces...I don't think so.  Her teeth are only slightly crooked and we are so not going to spend the money for braces on only slightly crooked teeth.  Enough money has left our coffers going to the medical community this year. 

No more I say.

Now if I can just remember to schedule those appointments...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hear you! Seems like 'if it don't hurt' then I forget to make those appointments as well....