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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Catching up on blog reading

So I haven't been the best blogger around. I just get busy living life and great things happen, bad things happen, and I just forget to come here. I really want to because I print out books each year as a record of our lives for the kids. I need to do better. I do.

I also need to do better about reading and commenting on others' blogs as well. I know as a blogger I love comments so I should give the love to others as well.

I spent a few minutes scouring Feedly and found a few things that stood out. I thought I would share them here. Yes, I did comment on each post (I think!) but wanted to share them here as well.

Here they are:

**Mama Katz over at Blogging Transparently for Christ has a great article on Homeschooling with Netflix. She gives a list of Christian movies you can watch with the family.

**The Homeschool Post has 10 Ways to Simplify Your Homeschool. Who can't use some advice on simplifying life?

**Jenn at Chesnut Grove Academy shares their Titanic Unit Study. There are some really great ideas for studying the Titanic.

**Rachel at Finding Joy shares Normal Moms are Amazing. I was blessed by this post and hope you will be as well.


I hope all of these links was early and before coffee that I copied and pasted! And the toddler was having a meltdown the size of WW3 while I typed. lol

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