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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

These are squirrel tracks on our shed.  The squirrels come and chew on the corners of the shed.  Occasionally I can be heard shrieking through the house and out the back door in an effort to cause one of the vile little creatures to have a heart attack and die.  It hasn't worked yet, but I'm still trying!

Or oldest turned 12.  I wasn't that creative with her cake.  At least she got one, right?  ;-)

A broken nose...Well, probably broken anyway.  She is going to have to have reconstructive surgery when she is older, so we might as well add one more thing to the docket! ugh

1 comment:

Beauty said...

she better get it fixed before she finds out what they do to her poor nose. I found out and my nose is still not fixed. love m