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Monday, December 2, 2013

Another play

Each year, for the past few anyway, our homeschool group puts on a play. I direct them and have awesome moms that help out. We started out pretty simple the first year and worked our way up. Last year we had full costumes with minimal sets. This year we have full sets and costumes and lights and sound. aagghhh did you hear my head explode?

Yeah, this play is hard. The lines are hard. The costumes are hard. The sets are hard. It is hard. Did I already say that?

Since we only practice one time a week for about an hour and a half my co-director and I get a little stressed out. We had to call a few extra practices for the month of December to get lines memorized and sets worked with. The sets are still waiting to be built since Steven and I are building them. We have the plans but need a little bit warmer weather than 12* to work with tools in the garage. ;-)

They will get built. But we only have six more practices before show and I am freaking out. A lot actually. Tomorrow's practice will hopefully be better than the last one. lol

I can't wait to see the kids up there in their costumes performing for everyone. They will be great, of course!


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