The month of December has been a bit of a roller coaster. We had school the first two weeks and then took the third week as Sabbath Week. It has been glorious!
Kind of.
I decided to do some deep cleaning during our time off. It has been interesting to say the least. In Bean's and Peanut's room we took out 10 bags of trash and 8 bags of give away. I was pretty brutal with what they were required to give up. I am done with the clutter.
The next day we moved on to the next bedroom. We covered all the bedrooms the first week. Three trips to Goodwill later and the bedrooms were done. The trash was overflowing so we had to store it in the garage until trash day. Hubby wasn't completely thrilled with that!
The next week we moved on to the rest of the upstairs. The reading room, the kitchen, the dining room/living room, the main bathroom...they were all deep cleaned. More trash and more give bags away were accumulated. The garage was overflowing but the house looked great!
It has been a busy break but a good one. Steven took vacation from the 22nd through Jan 6th so we have been tackling some home improvement projects together. I really love doing projects with him. We work really well together and can get a lot done in a short amount of time.
This time he chosee to take out the sink in the laundry room. I have been wanting it gone for a while because we don't use it and it's just in the way. the room is small enough anyway and the sink just sucked up more space than I wanted to give it. Steven got our oldest involved and they took the sink out with out any problems.
Sunshine ran through the living room calling out, "We need help!" I got up and hustled into the laundry room to see water gushing, and I mean gushing, out of a pipe and my wonderful husband shouting, "It's bad, shut the water off."
Yeah, not the words you want to hear! So, I ran through the house, down the stairs, and when I was about four steps from the bottom I thought I was two steps from the bottom and fell the rest of the way down. Yeah, it was awesome. I rolled my ankle but thankfully didn't hurt any small children or animals in the process. I hobbled up and made it to the water shut off vavle despite the messy room I had to run through to get to it. (the children belongingg to that room got into some trouble being that I had just spent several hours cleaning it the week before.)
Anyway, we put up some fans to dry the carpet and Steven headed out to get new hardware to fix the pipes that had broken, thus allowing water to gush out onto our carpet. They were fixed, we went to bed, we woke up, the carpet was still wet.
Since the carpet was still wet we decided to just pull it and replace it. We chose some peel and stick tile as a way to 'fix it' until we can save up enough for hardwood in the kitchen, laundry room, and reading room.
It took all of one day and a little of another to get the flooring laid down and the washer and dryer hooked back up but we did it. And it looks great.
We have also put the t.v. up on the wall(which is a story in and of itself), fixed a bathroom light fixture, and have another light fixture and shower fixture to fix before the vacation is over.
During all of this we have been making Christmas presents getting ready for our home-made Christmas with my family. It has been a full few weeks but they have been great. We love having Steven home; we don't want him to go back to work!