Okay, my mom has loved the Oak Ridge Boys for as long as I can remember. Truly. When I was in grade school, she called in to a radio station during a contest and won a bunch of stuff from them. She has treasured those things for years. She has never been able to go and see them. Either they did not come near the towns we lived in or the tickets were too much. Well...fast forward to this year. I saw a commercial for them that said they were going to be in my town in November. My sister and I found the website and realized that if all of the siblings pitched in we could get two tickets for the concert. OH MY WORD!! You would have thought that we were going for how excited we were!!! LOL
ANYWAY, since the concert was in November, we had to give them their Christmas present early. Like November 11th!!! It was soo cool to see Mom's face when she realized what she was holding.
The anticipation was almost too much as she opened the envelope!

It took her a full minute to realize what she was holding in her hands!!

It was so wonderful to see her face when she finally did realize it.

I wish I would have taken a picture of our faces when she opened it! We were squeeling and giggling almost as much as she was!! She has waited a long time for this; let's hope they are still good!! LOL