To that end, I didn't do much on the computer. :-)
I do want to get back to this meme, though. I think it is a great idea in helping document the weeks in our school and family life.
In my life this week...
Computer crashes, reviews piling up, soccer practices, BSF lessons, gymnastics, and mountains of laundry. Last week was our Sabbath Week and we used it to rest and catch up on rest! lol We did do some cleaning but not enough. The girls also went to my mom's for the weekend.
In our homeschool this week...
Sabbath Week was last week so we didn't do school. Okay, that's not entirely true. We did our Tapestry of Grace and the older two did their sciences. Other than that we really rested from school.
Places we are going and people we are seeing...
The girls went to my mom's and Steven and I spent the weekend holed up in our house resting. We did go out to eat with great friends on Saturday night. We see so many people throughout the week with gymnastics and soccer that this is a hard question!
My favorite thing this week is...
Sabbath Week! lol I love, love, love Sabbath Week. I love that it rejunvinates us and gives us the break we need.
What's working/not working for us...
The daily schedule is chaffing a bit right now. I think it is because we all have spring fever and are just getting antsy. We may ditch the schedule from now until summer and just do school at their pace. I'm not sure about that one, I'll have to think about it some more. We are loving our curriculum and the review products we are getting.
Homeschool thoughts/questions I have...
I am seriously starting to look at next year since I will have an 8th grader and then the year after that she will be a freshmen in high school. Isn't that amazing how I figured that one out? heehee It's wiggin' me out just a bit.
A photo, video link, or quote to share...
"God uses time to prepare us to build only what lasts with the one piece we're given. Based on the Christ-paradigm, God our Father seems less interested in the "how much" than the "what." He calls us to make contributions of quality, not just quantity. Time is often where He tempers and tests us so that premature births of ministries don't result in lifelong handicaps. God created time and never wastes it. We alone waste it when our impatience to receive our earthly inheritance hinders our preparation to know what to do with it." Beth Moore Believing God
If you want to see what everyone else had to say, head over to Homeschool Chick and check it out.
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