This week I have decided to join this meme. I have read other blogs that are participating in this and it is a great way to document our weeks. So, here goes!
In my life this week...well, it was my birthday on Wednesday ao the week was full of celebrating and surprises. My Dad took me out to lunch on Wednesday and my dh took me out to dinner the same night! My girls gave me the new Liz Curtis Higgs book, Mine is the Night, and my dh gave me an ipad! I had been saving up money for one so technically I paid for a portion of it but I didn't know he was doing it.
In our homeschool this week...We started a new Unit of our Tapestry of Grace curriculum. We 'got behind' the typical schedule but it is what we needed to do and it is working for us. We are continuing with our review work and enjoying the products we have. Our youngest finished her Kindergarten books and is now an official First Grader!
Places we're going and people we're seeing...we make a point of having dinner on Saturday nights with another family each week. It is a great time of fellowship and fun. We also have our homeschool group on Monday's. Then there is gymnastics on Friday's and soccer on Monday's and Thursday's with games on Saturday's.
My favorite thing this week was... Listening to my youngest dd read. She has really taken off with her ability to sound out words and is reading like crazy!
What's working/not working for us... Chores are not working at the moment and they need to be. Steven and I are trying to figure out some ways to encourage the girls to do their chores without having to be reminded. It could take a while! We are currently loving all of the school curricula we are using and plan on using all of them again. At least at this point anyway!
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have... I am starting to look to high school for our oldest and it is a little intimidating. It is making my head spin, honestly. We take homeschooling year by year for the most part but I am starting to feel that we are in this for the long haul so I had better start making some plans to finish strong!
A photo, video, link, or quote to share... Our pastor was preaching out of the book of James this morning and the verses were from chapter 5. It was a whole sermon on patience. Seriously. I'm pretty sure that God was talking to our pastor and telling him that my entire household needed to hear this! There were several quotes that I wrote down. Here they are: "Grumbling is the pre-cursor to losing your temper." ouch. "Patience is taking a long time to boil up." He focused somewhat on anger and your temper but it translates into many different areas. The last quote I think I am going to type up and post on the fridge for all of us to read daily. "Besides being the right thing to do, patience will make our lives-and the lives of those around us-better." Yeah, we need to be reminded of that daily!
Visit thehomeschoolchick to see the other wonderful bloggers that are participating this week!
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