***Edited to add that I found this in the draft folder! I can not believe how small Naomi was!!
Pages That Might or Might Not Be of Interest to You!
Sunday, December 30, 2018
A Sweet Voice
My sister was here for the weekend and she got dd4 to do some really cute things with her voice. Thought I would share!
***Edited to add that I found this in the draft folder! I can not believe how small Naomi was!!

***Edited to add that I found this in the draft folder! I can not believe how small Naomi was!!
How did I miss this...??
I am not sure how I even consider myself a blogger. I just can't seem to keep it up in the last few years. Lots of things are note worthy I can't seem to find the time or want to, to document them!
This one, however, is one that should have been documented.
On July 11, 2018 Kaelin asked Bethany to marry him! We knew it was coming and had seen the ring(it was at our house!) and actually kept it a secret for way too long. Keaelin took her to the spot where he first told her he loved her and got down on one knee.

We are thrilled and are in the knee-deep process of planning a wedding. As of today, we have 55 days until February 22, 2019 and Beth will be a Terrell no more.
I am a little sad but a lot happy. I can not wait to watch their marriage grow and to see what God does in their lives.
**All photos courtesy of the amazing Raylee Jo over at https://rayleejophotography.com/ If you are in the area, check her out. We adore her!!
This one, however, is one that should have been documented.
On July 11, 2018 Kaelin asked Bethany to marry him! We knew it was coming and had seen the ring(it was at our house!) and actually kept it a secret for way too long. Keaelin took her to the spot where he first told her he loved her and got down on one knee.

We are thrilled and are in the knee-deep process of planning a wedding. As of today, we have 55 days until February 22, 2019 and Beth will be a Terrell no more.
I am a little sad but a lot happy. I can not wait to watch their marriage grow and to see what God does in their lives.
**All photos courtesy of the amazing Raylee Jo over at https://rayleejophotography.com/ If you are in the area, check her out. We adore her!!
Friday, September 21, 2018
Heartbreak and Peace
This past summer was a season of transition for our family, yet again. It was a season of tears and prayers and questions. If I am being honest, those things are still happening and probably will for years to come.
This summer with counsel from our pastor and a counselor, we decided that it would be best for everyone if Bug went back to her grandpa's permanently. There were issues that I will not go into publicly for her sake; but, needless to say they were big enough issues for us to take this step. We did not step into this decision lightly or gladly but with heartbreak and confusion.
We love that little girl as our own. She IS ours. We are just not the right place for her to be right now. She has needs we can not satisfy. It broke us as individuals and as a family to come to this realization but we are discovering Peace through it all. God has shown up for us as He has for her and we are healing.
We will never fully heal from this, and rightly so. There will forever be a hole in our heart that only Bug can fill. For now, we will have to rest in the assurance that Jesus loves her so much more than we ever could and that His plans for her are far above what we could imagine.
Prayers for our family and for Bug and Grandpa would always be appreciated.
Following God is not easy. It is not painless. It is not for the faint of heart. But, He is faithful to walk with us as we strive to follow His lead and to cry with us over the hurts of this world.
This summer with counsel from our pastor and a counselor, we decided that it would be best for everyone if Bug went back to her grandpa's permanently. There were issues that I will not go into publicly for her sake; but, needless to say they were big enough issues for us to take this step. We did not step into this decision lightly or gladly but with heartbreak and confusion.
We love that little girl as our own. She IS ours. We are just not the right place for her to be right now. She has needs we can not satisfy. It broke us as individuals and as a family to come to this realization but we are discovering Peace through it all. God has shown up for us as He has for her and we are healing.
We will never fully heal from this, and rightly so. There will forever be a hole in our heart that only Bug can fill. For now, we will have to rest in the assurance that Jesus loves her so much more than we ever could and that His plans for her are far above what we could imagine.
Prayers for our family and for Bug and Grandpa would always be appreciated.
Following God is not easy. It is not painless. It is not for the faint of heart. But, He is faithful to walk with us as we strive to follow His lead and to cry with us over the hurts of this world.
Monday, June 4, 2018
What do you do...
What do you do when the thing you thought was God's will turns out to be the seemingly wrong thing? How is it possible that a good thing turns out to be bad? What do you do?
I don't know. I have no answers, only questions.
I can only pray and beg God to give us clear answers.
Until then, we trust and pray.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Prov. 3:5-6
"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them." 1 John 4:16
"The Lord is near to all who call to Him, to all who call on Him in truth." Psalm 145:18
At the moment there are no words for where we are; we are in the darkness waiting on the Lord. Our hearts are heavy and breaking and we are trusting that He will carry us to the next step. He will light our path but that may only be a step at a time.
And that is enough. He is enough.
I don't know. I have no answers, only questions.
I can only pray and beg God to give us clear answers.
Until then, we trust and pray.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Prov. 3:5-6
"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them." 1 John 4:16
"The Lord is near to all who call to Him, to all who call on Him in truth." Psalm 145:18
At the moment there are no words for where we are; we are in the darkness waiting on the Lord. Our hearts are heavy and breaking and we are trusting that He will carry us to the next step. He will light our path but that may only be a step at a time.
And that is enough. He is enough.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
A Valuable Resource for you!
As a homeschooler I am always looking for ways to get my kids more engaged in their education. I love finding resources that help me help them. I have one such resource for you today.
Is an educational website that offers service to families and schools. They have two options for you:
Basic/Free access is available or you can become member and pay $9.99/month for their Premium service.
Spend some time on their website and find all that they offer.
Who doesn't love a fun worksheet to enforce what our kids are learning? There is not better way for kids to learn than when they are having fun. Education.com is here to help. You can sign up and download worksheets to your hearts content! That isn't all they offer, though. Really, you should check them out!
Curious? Here is a sample from their website:
Let's practice our spelling words as we stroll down the river in our boat. Hang on tight as we head on over to Education.com for spelling resources, games, and printables like this!
Is an educational website that offers service to families and schools. They have two options for you:
Basic/Free access is available or you can become member and pay $9.99/month for their Premium service.
Spend some time on their website and find all that they offer.
Who doesn't love a fun worksheet to enforce what our kids are learning? There is not better way for kids to learn than when they are having fun. Education.com is here to help. You can sign up and download worksheets to your hearts content! That isn't all they offer, though. Really, you should check them out!
Curious? Here is a sample from their website:
Let's practice our spelling words as we stroll down the river in our boat. Hang on tight as we head on over to Education.com for spelling resources, games, and printables like this!
Here are some worksheet types to choose from:
- Maze
- Matching list of words with images
- Word search
- Crossword puzzle
- Word scramble
- Subtraction
- Division
- Multiplication
You can see an example below.

Here is a FREE worksheet for you!
Follow this link to download a FREE word search from Education.com!
Here is the Answer Key as well!
How is that for cool? You should go and check out Education.com and see if they are a good fit for your family or school.
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Next Year...
Now that soccer is over(more on that later) I am looking toward next year and what each girl will do for classes. Yes, it is only May but for my mind I need to get it organized and set before summer so I can enjoy some downtime!
So, before my schedule changes and I am working pretty much every day I am planning.
Of course I am going to use my Ultimate Homeschool Planner again. I adore this planner. It has everything I need and I will be so sad when I can't use it anymore. You can buy it here.
The girls will be using a planner we found at Mardel's that we just bought here. Hannah had this one last year and loved it so much Naomi wanted one as well!
Now that our planners are chosen I can move on to the curriculum for each girl. We are of course sticking with Tapestry of Grace. This year we are using Year 2. I have loved this curriculum so much and we have all learned things I never knew growing up. You should look into it if you are looking for History, Literature, Bible, Writing, Art, Geography, Government, and Worldview. Yes, it covers all of that!
For Math, Hannah will be taking College Algebra-I have gone as far with her as my mind will stretch! Naomi will be doing Math U See Algebra 1.
Science we will be sticking with Apologia. I haven't found anything we love as much as theirs. Hannah will be doing Physics and Naomi will move into Physical Science. I am so glad we found Apologia at the beginning of our homeschool journey!
Hannah will have a semester of Economics for Everybody from Compass Classroom. While Naomi will be doing Visual Latin.
Naomi will be doing her last year of Growing with Grammar. This is a solid program that is giving them a great base for understanding English.
At the moment, that is all I have. I have more shopping to do for the little extras but at least I have a plan! Next year Hannah will be a Junior and Naomi will be an 8th grader.
The plan for Bug is to stay in public school for now. We don't know how long we keep her in public school because I can't see having her in middle school but that is for a different day. For now, she is loving school and learning so much more than just math and reading.
Now, we just have to finish up this year!!
So, before my schedule changes and I am working pretty much every day I am planning.
Of course I am going to use my Ultimate Homeschool Planner again. I adore this planner. It has everything I need and I will be so sad when I can't use it anymore. You can buy it here.
The girls will be using a planner we found at Mardel's that we just bought here. Hannah had this one last year and loved it so much Naomi wanted one as well!
Now that our planners are chosen I can move on to the curriculum for each girl. We are of course sticking with Tapestry of Grace. This year we are using Year 2. I have loved this curriculum so much and we have all learned things I never knew growing up. You should look into it if you are looking for History, Literature, Bible, Writing, Art, Geography, Government, and Worldview. Yes, it covers all of that!
For Math, Hannah will be taking College Algebra-I have gone as far with her as my mind will stretch! Naomi will be doing Math U See Algebra 1.
Science we will be sticking with Apologia. I haven't found anything we love as much as theirs. Hannah will be doing Physics and Naomi will move into Physical Science. I am so glad we found Apologia at the beginning of our homeschool journey!
Hannah will have a semester of Economics for Everybody from Compass Classroom. While Naomi will be doing Visual Latin.
Naomi will be doing her last year of Growing with Grammar. This is a solid program that is giving them a great base for understanding English.
At the moment, that is all I have. I have more shopping to do for the little extras but at least I have a plan! Next year Hannah will be a Junior and Naomi will be an 8th grader.
The plan for Bug is to stay in public school for now. We don't know how long we keep her in public school because I can't see having her in middle school but that is for a different day. For now, she is loving school and learning so much more than just math and reading.
Now, we just have to finish up this year!!
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Our family is growing. Our girls are maturing into women who love God and others and we couldn't be more proud of them all. Beth and Sarah are wonderful adults and it is fun to be friends with them and watch as God directs them. We are so completely blessed with all of our girls and we can't believe that God was so good to us.
Beth and Sarah have made their choices in guys and we love them both. I can't begin to say enough that praying for your child's spouse while they are growing is invaluable. God has their path laid out and it is our job to direct them toward Him at every turn. We don't always succeed in leading them well but we try and we keep trying every day.
God is good all the time. All the time God is good.
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Homeschool Help
As a homeschooler I am always looking for ways to make this journey easier and better. If I can find a tool that will help me teach and help my kids learn and they love it; all the better!
Virtual Homeschool Group is just that thing.
Virtual Homeschool Group is an online community that puts together classes for just about every subject and grade. You can take Live classes or enroll for At Your Own Pace classes that have been recorded. These classes teach, grade, and record those grades for you. It is awesome ya'll.
And the best part? It is FREE!
you heard me right. This is a community helping the homeschool community. You can of course donate to help the website with upgrades and the cost of keeping a website running but it is not necessary. If you do donate then you are put into a pool for live classes that gives you first dibs on the life classes. With our schedules live classes are not usually an option but we donate anyway.
The girls have take their Apologia Sciences through VHSG every year and they are an amazing help.
You should really check them out!
I am not receiving anything for this post. I truly believe in this website and love how it has helped our homeschool and wanted to share!
Virtual Homeschool Group is just that thing.
Virtual Homeschool Group is an online community that puts together classes for just about every subject and grade. You can take Live classes or enroll for At Your Own Pace classes that have been recorded. These classes teach, grade, and record those grades for you. It is awesome ya'll.
And the best part? It is FREE!
you heard me right. This is a community helping the homeschool community. You can of course donate to help the website with upgrades and the cost of keeping a website running but it is not necessary. If you do donate then you are put into a pool for live classes that gives you first dibs on the life classes. With our schedules live classes are not usually an option but we donate anyway.
The girls have take their Apologia Sciences through VHSG every year and they are an amazing help.
You should really check them out!
I am not receiving anything for this post. I truly believe in this website and love how it has helped our homeschool and wanted to share!
Monday, April 23, 2018
I watched the news this morning run an episode on loneliness. As I watched I realized that they could have been interviewing me. In an age of social connections, we are at an all-time high of being lonely. We live lives online and only show the perfect and happy side but all the while we are slowly dying inside. It is a slow decay, a torturously slow process that approaches moment by moment sneaking up on us so that one day we look back and we are engulfed.
I am by nature an introvert. I do not seek out crowds and parties; they drain me. However, I have learned over the years to be an extrovert because that is what people expect and like. No one wants an introvert to hang out with, they want the laughing and joking life of the party. That is not me. Not really. I can do it and I can fake out the best of them but I don't like it. I need solace, books, quiet, and family close to me...at home...with no other people around to be happy. That is who I am.
Who the world sees me as is a happy, laughing, joking, silly, life of the party girl who likes being in crowds and thrives off of the lime light.
It is exhausting.
Not many people know that I am an introvert. Fewer still believe me.
"I am what people see me to be
It's not who I am but what they see"
I wrote that in high school because even then people wanted an out going girl to hang out with instead of the shy, quiet girl I was.
What effect does this have on a person you ask? It makes us lonely. Friendships are hard when you can't be yourself. It is also hard to hold onto friendships when you can't connect they way you want or you don't actually want to be around people. Not because you don't like them but because it is draining to be 'on' all the time.
Friendships require putting yourself out there...staying out there...
That is so hard.
So, I am lonely in a world full of people. I have friends but I don't see them. I can blame it on schedules, time, etc. but the truth is I am just plain lonely and scared.
I don't know how to foster friendships like everyone else. I see people doing things together, laughing and having fun and I want that. I just don't know how to go about it. Or how to keep doing it. Especially when I just want to be at home!
Life is hard sometimes. I want friends and relationships but I just don't know how to make and keep those deep connections without giving myself up.
In a world of social media how can we be so lonely?
I am by nature an introvert. I do not seek out crowds and parties; they drain me. However, I have learned over the years to be an extrovert because that is what people expect and like. No one wants an introvert to hang out with, they want the laughing and joking life of the party. That is not me. Not really. I can do it and I can fake out the best of them but I don't like it. I need solace, books, quiet, and family close to me...at home...with no other people around to be happy. That is who I am.
Who the world sees me as is a happy, laughing, joking, silly, life of the party girl who likes being in crowds and thrives off of the lime light.
It is exhausting.
Not many people know that I am an introvert. Fewer still believe me.
"I am what people see me to be
It's not who I am but what they see"
I wrote that in high school because even then people wanted an out going girl to hang out with instead of the shy, quiet girl I was.
What effect does this have on a person you ask? It makes us lonely. Friendships are hard when you can't be yourself. It is also hard to hold onto friendships when you can't connect they way you want or you don't actually want to be around people. Not because you don't like them but because it is draining to be 'on' all the time.
Friendships require putting yourself out there...staying out there...
That is so hard.
So, I am lonely in a world full of people. I have friends but I don't see them. I can blame it on schedules, time, etc. but the truth is I am just plain lonely and scared.
I don't know how to foster friendships like everyone else. I see people doing things together, laughing and having fun and I want that. I just don't know how to go about it. Or how to keep doing it. Especially when I just want to be at home!
Life is hard sometimes. I want friends and relationships but I just don't know how to make and keep those deep connections without giving myself up.
In a world of social media how can we be so lonely?
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
We all have voices that we listen to. They can be our parents, friends, relatives, or even strangers. We can hear their words and forget them or we can hear them, take them into our hearts and then they become the voices in our heads. The voices that talk to us in a continuous stream every day.
The voices that play in my head are all the negatives ones I have heard over the years. Right or wrong, they are the voices I hear.
Words like slob, ugly, loser, unqualified, disorganized, fat, mean, petty, cold-hearted, hypocritical, and so many more.
I can pretend that those words don’t affect me and I can bolster my courage and pretend that I don’t care what others think of me; but the truth is I do care. Each and every word-unkind or kind, is remembered and played thousands of times in my head every day.
I take them into my heart and they become part of me, of who I am. Those labels become my identity. They change me in small ways that forever alters what I see when I look at myself. And when I think about who I am. Words have the power of life and death.
Words don’t even need to be spoken. It can come in the form of gossip and non-confrontational behavior. If someone has a problem with me or something I have done but doesn’t even respect me enough to talk to me about it-what does that say? That I am not worth talking to and working out the situation. That voice is on a constant loop. This is an almost constant occurrence in my life. People would rather talk about me and the problem to others rather than me. I am too irrational to have a conversation with. I am too opinionated and talk too much. Yeah, I have heard all of it.
I hear it in my head every day. When situations pop up, the voices chime in and let me know exactly what others have said. It never ends. It is crippling at times. The fear of failure is so great that I would rather do nothing and see no one so that I wouldn’t disappoint or upset anyone.
I have to fight these voices every day. Sometimes every moment. They lie. The feed my doubt and my fear until it is a living, breathing thing. But fear is a liar. Doubt is a trap that has sticky sides so you can't get out and an easy chair in it so you don't want to. It is easier to stay in the fear and doubt than to fight your way out.
But fight you must.
Knowing what God says about you is a must. He is the author of your life and only He can tell you who you are and who He created you to be. He is the Light and the Hand reaching into the darkness. He is also the Friend that sits with you while you cry giving Comfort and Strength to go on.
Every day the battle wages and every day we must fight.
Monday, April 16, 2018
That's What I Get
I just thought I would do a better job of blogging! I guess I had no idea how busy I was about to become after my last post.
Naomi has had a great competitive gymnastics season. She placed at every meet in at least one event and I believe she placed in the All Arounds each time as well. She competed at State in March and placed on every event except for Vault-she was close to placing though! She took FIRST on Beam at State!! She also took 2nd All Around at State and qualified for Regionals in Galveston, Tx. We are so proud and can't wait to see her growth over the coming years.
I have had some job changes this winter. I started at Wichita Gymnastics doing classes and the Silver team and then in December/January I started training to coach the Gold and up teams. So, I have been working every day of the week at the gym. Plus, doing meets for both sets of teams. It has been exhausting but I truly love it. That scheduled changed a little when soccer started...it got busier!
Soccer started in February with Conditioning in the afternoons. So, I would go to work right after Conditioning or come from work straight to Conditioning. It was crazy but it worked. Then we started our season and the Training times had to change. So, then I would go to work on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after two hours of soccer training and once games started it changed again! With games going I wasn't able to work as much but would try to go to work after games. I am beat. We only have three more weeks of soccer and I am sad and glad. lol For work, I have been able to cut back on my hours and I am not coaching the Silver girls anymore-I am sad because I love them but I am glad to have some of my time back. For now, anyway!
On the home front, life is moving along. Sarah went to Thailand for 10 days with our church and loved every minute of it. Beth got a new job at Cocoa Dolce and adores it. Hannah is driving everywhere and has three jobs, she is a starter for our High School team. Naomi is in the off season for gymnastics but is a starter for Jr. High soccer and a part-time starter on our High School team. Phoenix is still loving public school and thriving. Steven is still amazing and supportive and crushing his job. I seriously wouldn't survive without him.
I am looking forward to a trip to Al Fong's coaches training this weekend, a soccer tournament in Springfield, Mo, our trip to Galveston, another trip to Texas for a gymnastics conference, vacation, and probably more that I can't remember at the moment!
For now, I have to check my calendar to make sure I am not missing an event!
Naomi has had a great competitive gymnastics season. She placed at every meet in at least one event and I believe she placed in the All Arounds each time as well. She competed at State in March and placed on every event except for Vault-she was close to placing though! She took FIRST on Beam at State!! She also took 2nd All Around at State and qualified for Regionals in Galveston, Tx. We are so proud and can't wait to see her growth over the coming years.
I have had some job changes this winter. I started at Wichita Gymnastics doing classes and the Silver team and then in December/January I started training to coach the Gold and up teams. So, I have been working every day of the week at the gym. Plus, doing meets for both sets of teams. It has been exhausting but I truly love it. That scheduled changed a little when soccer started...it got busier!
Soccer started in February with Conditioning in the afternoons. So, I would go to work right after Conditioning or come from work straight to Conditioning. It was crazy but it worked. Then we started our season and the Training times had to change. So, then I would go to work on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after two hours of soccer training and once games started it changed again! With games going I wasn't able to work as much but would try to go to work after games. I am beat. We only have three more weeks of soccer and I am sad and glad. lol For work, I have been able to cut back on my hours and I am not coaching the Silver girls anymore-I am sad because I love them but I am glad to have some of my time back. For now, anyway!
On the home front, life is moving along. Sarah went to Thailand for 10 days with our church and loved every minute of it. Beth got a new job at Cocoa Dolce and adores it. Hannah is driving everywhere and has three jobs, she is a starter for our High School team. Naomi is in the off season for gymnastics but is a starter for Jr. High soccer and a part-time starter on our High School team. Phoenix is still loving public school and thriving. Steven is still amazing and supportive and crushing his job. I seriously wouldn't survive without him.
I am looking forward to a trip to Al Fong's coaches training this weekend, a soccer tournament in Springfield, Mo, our trip to Galveston, another trip to Texas for a gymnastics conference, vacation, and probably more that I can't remember at the moment!
For now, I have to check my calendar to make sure I am not missing an event!
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