Royal Family Kids Camp is a camp for kids in the Foster Care system that are ages 7-11/12. They get to come to our camp and just be regular kids for a week. No worries, no struggles, just fun and safety. It is an awesome responsibility that we do not take lightly. We get these kids who are so precious to Jesus and we get to love on them and show them His love. It makes me cry just thinking about it.
Training with these people is really like a big ole party. They are a family to us and we love serving with them. I can't think of any other people I would rather be in the trenches of heartbreak with than these people. Their hearts are burdened for these hurting kids just like ours and that creates a bond that nothing can break.
If you haven't heard of Royal Family Kids Camp and the difference they are making in the lives of these special children, check them out and be in prayer for the camps going on this summer.
Just stopped by from the Crew and started following you.
In prayer for all to be blessed during camp. (stopping by from the Crew!)
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