In talking with several homeschooling moms lately I have discovered more than one thing in common with them. A lot of us hate to keep grades. Some of the ladies I talked with don't until high school and a very few didn't at all. They know what their kids are doing, what they know, and how well they know it; why assign grades?
Well, my nature is such that I need grades to fill in the forms. I like forms filled in and blanks to not be empty. Plus, it makes me feel better seeing all those forms filled in!
Unfortunately, it is rather difficult to find an online planner that is easy to use and has all the features you want. Homeschool Planet just might be the thing you are looking for.
Homeschool Planet includes:
*A Calendar View that lets you see anybody's or everybody's calendars at once
*A Planner View with a simple list of everything you need to do and when
*Automatic Rescheduling -- A class time changes? You miss a few days to illness or vacation? No problem! Homeschool Planet automatically reschedules all the affected classes and assignments.
*Separate logins for kids to view their assignments and check them off when completed.
*Daily Digest emails to everyone in your family with their own schedule, assignments, and chores for the day
*Email and text message reminders to help everyone stay on schedule (Some limits apply.)
*Lesson plans with assigments, web links, notes, and more
*Easy attendance tracking, grading and transcript creation
*To Do lists for everyone in your family
*Shopping lists (one each for Target, Safeway, etc.) that you can text to your spouse or have sent to your smartphone when on the go
*Widgets you can use to do research, send text messages, and more. These are really cool!
*Mobile Version -- Ability to view and edit (with some limitations) your calendar on SmartPhones and tablets
*Calendar sharing -- View the contents of your spouse's Google Calendar inside Homeschool Planet, and vice versa! This also works with Apple iCal and other online calendars.
*Lesson Copying -- Copy any lesson for use at a later time by another student.
Homeschool Classifieds is offfering a FREE 30 day trial! Head over Here and check it out. You DO need to be a member of Homeschool Classifieds but membership is FREE as well!
Now for what I thought of Homeschool Planet. I like it. It is fairly easy to use and doesn't have a ginormous learning curve like a few other programs out there. There are many scheduling options, re-scheduling, chores, appointments, multiple students, etc. to choose from. It is a pretty exhaustive list of options. Almost too many? I'm not sure. It would take a while to use this program to its fullest I think. Homeschool Planet would be your one-stop shopping for scheduling school and your life.
You can sign up to get Daily and Weekly Digests of the upcoming events. It can goes to email and I had it sent to my kids as well. It can be printed out for them to use as a guide for getting the work done. I thought that was pretty cool!
I am going to show you some pictures from my tablet of how things look and some of the options.
What I didn't like about Homeschool Planet was the mobile version. I am a gal that likes the desktop version of just about everything I see. I just do. It is a personal preference and I know that. Homeschool Planet does not offer a desktop version on a tablet at this point. There are options for the desktop not available on tablets and the set up looks different than the desktop version. Now, my husband will tell you that most people don't care about such things but I do and so I mention it. Just in case you care about that little thing as well! ****The Widgets are pretty cool on the desktop version-don't neglect checking those out!****
I wouldn't let that be a deterrant if you like what you see. Try it out!
If you want to order a subscription after your FREE Trial, it is $65 for 1 year. You can head over Here to sign up!
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Head over to Home & School Mosaics and see what everyone else thought of Homeschool Planet.