School is still going at a harried pace. I can't believe we are approaching our second Sabbath Week of the year. I have to admit that I am so stinkin' happy for Sabbath can't get here soon enough.
No, school isn't going badly. It's pretty good in fact. I am just tired. Life is unsettled right now and drama is keeping it that way. :(
We are doing pretty well with our Tapestry of Grace so far. We are on track and getting ready for our first Unit Celebration on the 20th. A few projects are in the works and hopefully everyone will get them done in time! lol
Sunshine is doing great with her high school classes at our Homeschool Group. I am so thankful that our group offers high school level classes for credit and that the teachers love what they teach. Have I mentioned lately that I love our homeschool group?
Auditions for our next play are coming up and I can't wait to get it started. The kids are so excited they keep asking about it every week! It's going to be another great performance I just know it.
Life marches on when we aren't looking and I'm sad to see the girls growing up so fast. I will treasure each moment while I have them.