School has been going really well. We are staying on track and getting stuff done. Life is moving on at a rapid pace.
But sometimes there is too much going on to talk about it. Some pains are too deep to put out there for everyone and their dog to see.
That's where I am. There has been something going on in our house that is just too painful to put into words. I probably won't ever blog about it actually. It will stay within our family and remain private. Some things just have to be that way.
But, that means that I don't feel like writing on here. My heart is heavy and I just don't feel like sharing. Anything. This place is where God has us for now and I am sure that He will walk us through it. He has a plan and we will wait on Him to show it to us. He who began a good work will be faithful to complete it. I am sure of His faithfulness. I am sure of His love.
I will wait on the Lord.