Well, I thought I was on my way to having it figured out when life happened. It's probably because we are leaving on Sunday for a missions trip and the girls have been gone to cousin's camp this week but life just kind of snuck up on me.
Thursday I finished painting a wall in our front entry way. I love, love, love the color. It is so pretty. yes, I have pictures!
Isn't it pretty? :-)
The days this week have been spent in tears as well. Since the older girls have been gone, Bug has been looking around for them. She has been knocking on doors and asking for them. When they didn't come out of their rooms she would just bawl. It was so sad. I cried for her and then I cried because we won't see her for a whole week.
Did I say that I love that little girl? lol
She started saying Cheese this week. It is too adorable! Her signing is getting better and better, too. She learned how to throw things away in the trash can, pick up toys and put them away. It has been a big week even if it was a sad one.
Today was spent in the car for me. Mostly anyway. We got a call this morning around 6:40 from my mil that said that our 9yo was complaining about her tooth hurting. No problem I said. She has one growing in and it probably sore from pushing the teeth around.
An hour or so later she called back and said, no it is the tooth with the cap on it. Well, if you have read my blog for very long you know that she had tons of very expensive dental work done not that long ago. It was traumatic for all involved. So I was panicked thinking that this tooth was abscessed. And if she is complaining it must be bad. She never complains about pain. Ever.
So...I called the dentist and drove out to get her and then drove all the way back into town clear on the other side of the city to the dentist office. And then all the way back out to cousins camp so that she could do the afternoon's activities. Then back into town and home. We got home just in time to get lunch and put bug down for a nap.
She hadn't fallen asleep when grandma showed up to take her for the next week. I was so sad to see her go. She has become such a part of our family that it feels wrong not to have her with us.
Of course it doesn't feel right when any of my kids aren't with me. But, we are serving kids that don't have their moms and dads anymore and so we can sacrifice for a week to show them the love they so desperately need. I am just feeling more than a little sad right now.
It won't be too long before life returns to normal and we are in the daily life of school, chores, and living. ;-)