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Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day in an Estrogen Filled House

My girls have been planning for Father's Day for about two weeks now.  They have been making cards, thinking of presents, and practicing their performances.  You see in our house, we don't celebrate this "man's holiday" with hunting, fishing, or getting dirty in general; nope we celebrate with pretty things and feelings!  Having four girls my dh has become very adept at handling all of the girlie things that his princesses do for him.  :)

Today, he patiently sat through SIX songs that were danced to by the two youngest.  It was cute beyond words!  We also realized that they have some talent for dancing and gymnastics.  He clapped and hugged and praised them and never once complained. 

He accepted the cards with a twinkle in his eye that spoke volumes to the girls.  The snuggles and laughter he gave them today are priceless.  At one point we gave him one of our gifts -NCIS Season 4- and he threw his hands up to his mouth and they started shaking.  He lifted his eyebrows as high as they would go and he started saying, "Oh, oh, oh, it's just what I always wanted!  How did you know?"  He looked just like the winner of Miss America!!  It was soo funny.  But what was funnier was seeing our 10yodd fall to the floor laughing and our 12yo reduced to tears watching her father be silly.

It takes a special guy to be the father of all girls.  Someone that will take the time to understand what girls need and how they think.  A man that can keep his feelings on the surface and not squelch theirs when they run amok.  A father that will guide them to become Godly women seeking after their Heavenly Father because they had an earthly father worth following.  A father that loves their mother and gives them an example of what a marriage should be like.

My daughters have all of those things and more. 


Unknown said...

hehehe, having girls must be VERY different from having a boy. My DH and son played video games all day and we ate dinner in the living room. HIS CHOICE, not mine.

Loving learning at Home said...

Aren't fathers amazing? Heavenly and earthly. . .

Lori - TOS crew

Kristine said...

Awesome post, Renita. What a blessing for the girls to have a Godly man in their lives. :)