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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Science gone wrong...

Today I will be cleaning out my refrigerator.  How is that science gone wrong?  Well, let me tell you. 

I have mold growing in there.  Serious mold. 

Not the innocuous kind but the insidious kind that could catch a small animal and enfold it in its furry spots only to devour it and never let on that it was really a death trap.

That kind of mold.

If you hear the sound of heavy gagging later it is just me as I wade through the multiple containers of indistinguishable food items.  I know that I only put real food in there, but somehow they have all morphed into some kind of Sci-fi penicillin wanna-be's.

If  you don't hear from me again, know that I went down fighting and come search for the kids.  There are a few large containers in there that look like they have it in for me.

Wish me luck!


Kristine said...

Just in time to clean out that tupperware for Thanksgiving leftovers!


Amy said...

LOL! Been there...done that! Glad to see you survived! ;-D

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

So glad to see you made it out alive.