I’m thinking about home schooling. It’s a bit of a strange leap, I admit it. But as I sat there reading the first chapter of this book, they kept repeating a phrase that I needed to hear.
Don’t get me wrong, I need to hear it in regards to my marriage. But right now, I needed to hear it more for my home schooling journey. It spoke to my heart and resonated in the deep recesses of my doubt. It gave me hope and courage.
Sound like a miracle?
Want to know what it was?
Be prepared to be wowed! The phrase that has given voice to my fears and calmed my heart is:
It can be done and it is worth it.
I know, I know they weren’t talking about home schooling. But come on, tell me that doesn’t speak to you! Drink it in. Let is rest on your heart.
It can be done and it is worth it. It is so simple and yet so profound.
Giving your children an amazing education at home can be done.
Guiding your children through this ever changing world can be done.
Shaping your children into the people God has called them to be can be done.
Surviving one more day when you are ready to quit can be done.
Your children are worth it.
Their futures are worth it.
Your family is worth it.
If God has called you to home school, it can be done and it is worth it. He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it. It can be done.
This is the time of year when the doldrums set in. Life has grown routine again and the weather makes it impossible to escape the close quarters of the house. That new curriculum that was so amazing in September is getting duller by the day and the kids are fighting it with each new assignment. The newness has worn off and all those new school supplies have long been forgotten.
What happened?
Life is what happens when you are going about your day forgetting to be in the moment. Living is what you do when you are counting your blessings.
So, life happens and sin happens. And we let it. We don’t mean to; it just happens so quietly and so gradually that we don’t realize how it has altered our thinking. We let our sinful attitudes run away with us and then doubt takes root. Before long we believe the lie that it is too big a task or that we aren’t up to the challenge. Our attitude is then affected even further, taking us down a slippery path to defeat.
Listen to God’s heart calling to you. He is waiting to refresh and renew you.
It can be done and it is worth it.
I think I need to print this in big, bold letters and post in as many places as I can get away with in my house. Not only is it a great statement to apply to marriage and home schooling; it is a great statement to apply to my life. God has called me to live the life He has given me. It can be done and it is worth it. He has not called me to walk another’s path. The path he has called me to is not easy. It is painful sometimes and it is hard most of the time. But it is the path that my loving Father has laid out just for him and me to walk together. My journey won’t look like yours but we can walk together and encourage one another.
It can be done and it is worth it.
Need to hear it again?
Fellow traveler, take heart and be encouraged, It can be done and it is worth it.

1 comment:
Hello, for all students (at least high-school and the undergraduates) and others with an interest or enrolled in economics, homeschoolers esp., I have started a blog which will comprise study literature in a more entertaining form than standard textbooks, see
CrisisMaven’s Economics Study Guide. It also contains a Reference List which aspires to eventually become the "one stop shop" for all economic data seriies, history, bibliographies etc.
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