We went out with friends for supper and since we had two less kidlets we went a little classier! lol
Unfortunately for us, three of us were feeling bad by Sunday morning. Church didn't happen this morning. :-( I slept almost the whole day. I woke up only to get water and go to the bathroom. It was not fun.
So, I don't think we will be going to that dining establishment again for a while.
Today was the last scheduled soccer Saturday of the year. I am sad and glad. I love watching our girls play but I won't be sad to have the time commitment gone. ;-)
Today's games went ok. Sunshine's was first and it was a hard loss. The team just couldn't get it together. They weren't talking and were just off. Then one of our girls was taken out by the other team. This girl did a football tackle to our girl and she literally flew up off her feet did a spin and then landed on the back of her head. It was unreal. But what made it worse was no card was given. Our girl ended up with a mild concussion. She may not play in the tourney this weekend bc of it. grrr Sunshine did a fantastic job and almost scored! She did a good job on defense and gave what she got. ;-)
Bean's game was pretty good. She was crying bc she didn't score again but she did a great job! She saved some goals from going in and almost scored twice. She was flying down the field!!
We will be sad to see these coaches go but look forward to having new ones next year. Sunshine will be in High School so we have to figure out where she is going to play. But we might have all four in soccer again next year! Whew. I'm tired just thinking about it. lol
I went back to the dentist this morning hoping to have this saga with m tooth over with. It had stopped hurting so I was hopeful to complete the process.
I was scared to death, mind you, but I got myself there and even made it into the chair before I started panicking. I kept praying. Desperate prayers for it not to hurt.
The dentist came in, looked at it, cleaned it out a little and then tried to put the post thing in-OH MY GOSH!!! It zinged me something fierce. At this point I started shaking. Not a lot just a little tremble in my hands.
He gave me the shots of Novocain and we waited. A few minutes later he came back and started working. IT STILL HURT. Not a little but a lot. He tried a few things but the pain was terrible. I tried to be brave but honestly it was freaking me out thinking that I would have to go through that again. My entire body started shaking. I was trembling all over. My heart started racing and I was on the verge of a panic attack. Tears were threatening and I was all but ready to bolt out of the chair and head for the hills.
Praise God the dentist stopped and told me that we would have to wait for another week. There was/is still infection down by the root and so we can not cap it off. he told me I could go but I could barely stand up. My body was revolting by shaking all over. I couldn't punch the appointment into my phone because I couldn't control the shaking in my hands. It was not pretty.
I did schedule another appointment for next week but I am going to be completely honest here-I am completely freaked out by the prospect of going back. I so do not want to go back. At all. But I keep thinking that my then 9yo went through this kind of thing and handled it with grace and courage. I guess as an adult I should at least try to match her courage!
Pray that the infection is gone by next Thursday and that there will be no more pain at the dentist because I have terrible teeth and need so much more work done and if this is the way it's going to be from on I may never go back.
I have to warn you, these pictures were on my phone so they are not the best. But hey, at least I am posting some, right? lol
The two oldest at our Dad's Night. They are so pretty!
She got poison ivy on her face. So not cool.
Bug was helping Sunshine be goal keeper. :-)
Bug was helping Bean find some clothes for me.
Bug kept looking through my hanging clothes saying, "Umm...Umm...Look, Look!" It was pretty cute. She helped find my shoes and picked out several shirts for me. ;-)
We saw these cold weather funnels on our way home.
Freaky. Just freaky.
Peanut giving her part of the speech for Dad's Night.
Bean performing sign language to How Great is Our God.
Today we became official members of our new church!! Woohoo! We are thrilled to be a part of this body and can't wait to get even more connected in the future.
I love the place God has us and am so at peace. It is a great feeling after being so not at peace for so long.
Our 7yo has been itching to score a goal this season. She scored in the fall multiple times but hadn't this spring yet. It's not for lack of trying, though. She has been doing a fantastic job but come up shy each time.
Today was no different. She was defense the first quarter. She did an out sanding job as defense and stopped most of the balls that came by her. She took charge and kept the defense strong.
In the second quarter she was put in as a forward. She came out of the shoot raring to go. She charged the ball and took off like an arrow out running everyone. She flew down the field, dribbling the ball, and just barely lost control of it shooting it a tad too wide.
She repeated that three more times. She was seriously focused on getting a goal!
The last time she got the ball and charged down the field, she kept control the entire way, waited for the perfect moment and kicked the ball. It was perfectly placed and went straight in the goal. She scored!! Her face was too precious. She watched it go in and then turned around slowly. A huge smile slowly spread across her face and became the biggest smile I have ever seen. She was jumping up and down and her team mates were hugging her. They were so thrilled for her! She looked over to us and it looked like she was going to cry. She floated back to their side of the field grinning the whole way.
The rest of the game went well and I think we won. I'm not sure. I always intend to keep track but I forget by the end! lol The girls had a great time and several other girls that don't normally score did.
I had to postpone my follow up dentist appointment for my tooth because it was still hurting quite a bit and there was NO WAY I was going back if it was hurting in the slightest little bit.
Thankfully the dentist agreed with me.
I waited another week and it was still hurting. :-( This time I had to go in so he could look at it.
I was terrified to be honest with you. I was about to throw up on my way there but I forced myself to go and meet it head on.
The dentist checked it out and found more infection. He cleaned it out and put gauze in it. Another round of antibiotics and more waiting. I'm not going to lie to you, I was thrilled that I didn't have to sit in that chair and get work done. I was thrilled to leave.
But I have to go back on the 26th. At least I will if the tooth stops hurting. ;-)
Today Bug is having surgery. She is tongue tied and they are taking care of it today. She has to have it done at a surgery center because she is too old to do it in the office. :-(
It is not something we are looking forward to. It is never easy to see little ones in pain especially when you are "causing" it.
She handled it pretty well and only cried a little bit when they carried her back but oh my heart was breaking knowing that I couldn't be there for her.
On the upside, it was the same surgery center where our 10 yo had her sinus surgery so we were pretty comfortable with them. It's still terribly hard though.
She looked so tiny on that gigantic bed.
She came through surgery well but the bleeding was more than I thought it would be. It was hard seeing her in pain and not being able to help. She just didn't understand what was going on.
When we got home she was super cranky, understandably, and almost inconsolable. There were moments when you couldn't tell she had just had surgery but on the whole she was a cranky pants! lol Oh and the drooling. Oh my goodness. I have never seen so much drool come from one body in my life!
Thankfully we bought extra food that was soft and lots of yogurt and pudding. She wants to eat but won't eat any hard foods. It is so sad.
I will be glad for her when she can eat any food she wants to again. Praise God the surgery went well. We can't wait to see how her speech changes now. :-)
The girls have been doing BSF for several years now so you would think we would have the system down by now.
You would be wrong.
Very wrong.
We always seem to wait until Tuesday morning to get the Bible study done. It is a mad dash of doing school, BSF, chores, and everything else that needs done during the day.
BSF shouldn't be done all in one day but that's the only way we seem to get it done. :-(
for the year anyway. Our homeschool group is done for the year and we are all sad. We love our group. It is just about perfect for us. (secretly I am glad for the break but I will miss everyone)
Tonight we have our Dad's Night. It's a great night where we can show off our work for the year and put on a performance for family and friends. It's always a great night.
This year is less of a commitment for me and I am glad. Last year was a pretty big deal and I was involved in a lot of it. This year I am only doing one thing.
One of my classes was Story Time with the 1 and 2 yo. They were so sweet. We read stories and sang songs so for Dad's Night we sang Fuzzy Little Caterpillar. They actually sang and did some of the motions! They were so stinkin' adorable! The rest of the kids did a great job but those little ones stole the show. :-)
We displayed all the work for the year which is always impressive to see laid out on the tables. I love that our group has a combination of fun and learning.
I do have pictures but I haven't downloaded them yet! Big surprise, right? lol
Soccer season is in full throttle and I am fairly done with it. Not because I don't like watching my girls play, I love it, but I am increasingly sick of teams that are uber competitive at 7yo. The teams that are just gearing up to go to the competitive leagues and using the league we are in for practice.
I just want to shout at them, "It's just a game."
It is frustrating when our girls just want to have fun and the other team is out for blood. It makes it no fun for anyone.
But, my sweet 7yo is still having fun and getting to see first hand that winning isn't everything and sometimes you can take life a little too seriously. (her momma learns that lesson often, she just needs to remember it!)
A sweet family movie that gives you the warm fuzzies...
I was supposed to review this movie before now. ahem. Life got, well I don't know what, it just got away from me!
This was a sweet movie about the power of forgiveness, trust, faith, and love. We enjoyed watching this movie as a family and will watch it again. It wasn't an in your face movie but a gentle weaving of lives. We so enjoyed John Ratzenberger. He brought this character to life and made a cranky old guy not only lovable but relate-able. There was actually a twist that I didn't predict when the story line took a different direction with a character than I thought they would. I liked it! You might have a hanky ready in a few spots. Just a warning! lol
About the Movie:
Matthew Stevenson is a troubled kid from a broken home. When he vandalizes the local church to get back at his parents, Matthew has to repair the damage to the church to avoid criminal charges. While working at the church, he meets Ernest (John Ratzenberger), an accomplished wood carver who created the intricate woodwork decoration that Matthew destroyed. Ernest has become something of a hermit, but reluctantly comes out of reclusion to help repair the church. Now Ernest and Matthew must work together to preserve the church's beautiful antiquity, and along the way, they also manage to restore their faith in God and in life.
***I have a copy to give away!! If you want to enter, just leave me a comment and tell me about someone who made a profound difference in your life. That's it! Oh yeah, and an email I can reach you at! lol
I will draw a winner on Friday the 20th.
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